Home News Beaches in Jogjakarta You Can Visit

Beaches in Jogjakarta You Can Visit

Baron Beach

Parangtritis Beach

A sloping beach with a row of hills rocky and coral cliffs. When the sun is about to set is the best time for visit this beach. But if you arrived sooner, there’s no harm in going up to Tebing Gembirawati behind the beach. From there we can see the whole area Parangtritis Beach, south sea, to horizon limit. You can also try
paragliding from the high cliffs next door West or climb the cliffs at this beach. In suggest not playing in the waves in the middle, because the waves on this beach are quite dangerous.

About 27 km south of Yogyakarta City, you can reached by operating public transport until 17.00 or private vehicle.


Samas Beach

This beach is known to have strong waves large and there are river deltas and freshwater lakes that form lakes. These lakes are used for development of fisheries, turtles and shrimp poles and various fishing locations.

The location is in Srigading Village, District. Sanden is lacking more 24 km from Yogyakarta to the south.

Pandansimo Beach

It is the westernmost beach of the row South coast which is part of the Regency area Bantul. Big and wild waves, a mystical atmosphere that is still thick with many sacred recitations, as well the hustle and bustle of fishermen fighting against the ferocity of the waves is an attraction especially for tourists. Located adjacent to the mouth of the Progo River,

Baron Beach

This beach is a bay flanked by Tthe green hill walls are filled with trees coconut. This place is often used by teenagers for hiking and camping. You can travel to Baron beach stop by the beach Kukup, because Baron beach and Kukup beach is one eye chain. Distance between Baron beach and Kukup beach about 1 kilometer. Kukup Beach has natural views of beaches and mountains which is very beautiful. This white sandy beach also has a cave – shady coral caves, as well as ornamental fish.

Located 65 kilometers from the city of Yogyakarta (passing the city of Wonosari).

Trisik Beach

It is an interesting tourist area especially for anglers because in This beach has lots of big fish. This beach is a para base fishermen, and can still be used for Swim as much as is permitted.

But in principle all beaches are in Yogyakarta is very dangerous and visitors are prohibited from bathing in the sea.

Wedi Ombo Beach

This beach is in the form of a bay with walls lush green hills. Panorama the nature is very interesting to enjoy, especially for hiking lovers. This beach also often used for camping.

Glagah Beach

Apart from the natural scenery you can reliable, this beach has also been equipped with various tourist facilities such as fishing pond, recreation park, camping ground, and viewing post.

Located 40 km from Yogyakarta City, including the district area. Kulonprogo.


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